প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী আজকের পর্বে কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Abbreviations নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো। আশা করি তোমাদের উপকারে আসবে।
ABAS = Ananda Bangla Sangbad Limited.
ABCN = Area Based Community Nutrition.
ADAB = Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh.
ABCN = Area Based Community Nutrition.
ADAB = Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh.
ADC = Additional Deputy Commissioner.
ADHUNIK = Amra Dhumpan Nibaron Kori.
ADP = Annual Development Programme.
AFD = Armed Forces Division.
AFIP = Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
AFMC = Armed Forces Medical College.
AFMI = Armed Forces Medical Institute.
AGM = Assistant General Manager. / Annual General Meeting.
AG = Accountant General. / Attorney General.
AID = Agency for International Development.
AIS = Agriculture Information Service.
APB = Associate Press of Bangladesh.
ATAB = Association of Travel Agent of Bangladesh.
AUW = Asian University for Women.
BAAF = Bangladesh Amateur Athletic Federation
BAAS Bangladesh Association of Advancement of Science.
BAAS Bangladesh Association of Advancement of Science.
BAA = Bangladesh Archery Association.
BABF = Bangladesh Amateur Boxing Federation.
BADC = Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation.
BAEC = Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission.
BAFA = Bangladesh Air Force Academy / Bulbul Academy for Fine Arts.
BAF = Bangladesh Air Force.
BANBEIS = Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics.
BANSDOC = Bangladesh Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre.
BAPEX = Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited.
BARC = Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council.
BARD = Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
BARI = Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute.
BASC = Bangladesh Administrative Staff College
BASIC = Bank of Small Industries and Commerce
BASIS = Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services.
BABF = Bangladesh Amateur Boxing Federation.
BADC = Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation.
BAEC = Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission.
BAFA = Bangladesh Air Force Academy / Bulbul Academy for Fine Arts.
BAF = Bangladesh Air Force.
BANBEIS = Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics.
BANSDOC = Bangladesh Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre.
BAPEX = Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited.
BARC = Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council.
BARD = Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
BARI = Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute.
BASC = Bangladesh Administrative Staff College
BASIC = Bank of Small Industries and Commerce
BASIS = Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services.
BATEXPO = Bangladesh Textile Exposition
BA = Bachelor of Arts.
BBA = Bachelor of Business Administration / Bangladesh Bridge Authority
BBF = Bangladesh Badminton Federation / Bangladesh Basketball Federation.
BB = Bangladesh Bank.
BCB = Bangladesh Cricket Board.
BCCFA = Bangladesh Custom Clearing and Forwarding Agent
BCC = Bangladesh Computer Council.
BCF = Bangladesh Carom Federation / Bangladesh Chess Federation / Bangladesh Cycling Federation.
BAC = Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation.
BCMCL = Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited.
BCSIR = Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
BCSS = Bangladesh Cable Shilpa Sangstha.
BCS = Bangladesh Civil Service.
BDRCS = Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.
BDS = Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
BDT = Bangladesh Taka
BEA = Bangladesh Economic Association.
BEd = Bachelor of Education.
BELA = Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association.
BEPZA = Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority.
BERC = Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission.
BE = Bachelor of Engineering.
BFA = Bangladesh Football Association.
BFDC = Bangladesh Film Development Corporation.
BFDC = Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation.
BFFWT = Bangladesh Freedom Fighter Welfare Trust.
BFF = Bangladesh Football Federation.
BFRI = Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute / Bangladesh Forest Research Institute.
BFS = Bangladesh Fire Service
BFTI = Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute.
BGFCL = Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited.
BGMEA = Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association.
BGSL = Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited.
BIBM = Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management.
BIIDS = Bangladesh Institute of International Development Studies.
BIM = Bangladesh Institute of Management.
BA = Bachelor of Arts.
BBA = Bachelor of Business Administration / Bangladesh Bridge Authority
BBF = Bangladesh Badminton Federation / Bangladesh Basketball Federation.
BB = Bangladesh Bank.
BCB = Bangladesh Cricket Board.
BCCFA = Bangladesh Custom Clearing and Forwarding Agent
BCC = Bangladesh Computer Council.
BCF = Bangladesh Carom Federation / Bangladesh Chess Federation / Bangladesh Cycling Federation.
BAC = Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation.
BCMCL = Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited.
BCSIR = Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
BCSS = Bangladesh Cable Shilpa Sangstha.
BCS = Bangladesh Civil Service.
BDRCS = Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.
BDS = Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
BDT = Bangladesh Taka
BEA = Bangladesh Economic Association.
BEd = Bachelor of Education.
BELA = Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association.
BEPZA = Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority.
BERC = Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission.
BE = Bachelor of Engineering.
BFA = Bangladesh Football Association.
BFDC = Bangladesh Film Development Corporation.
BFDC = Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation.
BFFWT = Bangladesh Freedom Fighter Welfare Trust.
BFF = Bangladesh Football Federation.
BFRI = Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute / Bangladesh Forest Research Institute.
BFS = Bangladesh Fire Service
BFTI = Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute.
BGFCL = Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited.
BGMEA = Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association.
BGSL = Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited.
BIBM = Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management.
BIIDS = Bangladesh Institute of International Development Studies.
BIM = Bangladesh Institute of Management.
B.Mus = Bachelor of Music.
B.Pharm = Bachelor of Pharmacy.
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation.
BCCI = Board of Control for Cricket in India.
BCG = Bacillus Calmette Guerin.
BIMSTEC = Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation.
BL = Bachelor of law.
BP = British Petrolieum.
BSEC = Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.
BSF = Border Security Force.
C-in-C = Commander-in-Chief.
CA = Chartered Accountant.
CACO = Central Asian Cooperation Organization.
CAF = Confederation of African Football.
CAP = Central American Parliament.
CARE = Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere.
CARICOM = Caribbean Community.
CBD = Convention of Biological Diversity.
CBI = Central Bureau of Investigation .
CBO = Community Based Organisation.
CDB = Caribbean Development Bank.
CE = Civil Engineer.
CEC = Committee for Economic Co-operation.
CENTO = Central Treaty Organisation.
CIA = Central Intelligence Agency.
CID = Criminal Investigation Department.
CIDA = Canadian International Development Agency.
CIRDAP = Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific.
CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States.
CMAG = Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group.
CNA = Cable News Agency.
CNN = Cable News Network.
CO = Commanding Officer.
COE = Council of Europe.
CP = Colombo Plan.
CSIR = Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
CTBT = Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
CV = Curriculum Vitae.
D.Lit = Doctor of Literature.
D.Sc. = Doctor of Science.
DANIDA = Danish International Development Agency.
DCL = Doctor of Civil Law.
DFID = Department for International Development.
DG = Director General.
DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
DNC = Department at Narcotics Control.
DNCC = Development and Media Consultancy Centre.
DOC = Declaration of Commitment.
DPI = Doctor of Public Instruction.
DV = Diversity Visa.
EACC = East Asia-Pacific Cricket Council.
EAC = East Asian Community.
EADB = East African Development Bank.
EAEC = European Atomic Energy Community.
EAS = East Asian Summit.
EBRD = European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
EC = European Community/ European Commission.
ECA = Economic Commission for Africa.
ECE = Economic Commission for Europe.
ECG = Electro Cardio Gram.
ECLA = Economic Commission for Latin America.
ECLAC = Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
ECM = European Common Market.
ECOSOC = Economic and Social Council.
ECOWAS = Economic Community of West African States.
ECO = Economic Cooperation Organization.
EEC = Eurasian Economic Community.
EFTA = European Free Trade Association.
EIB = European Investment Bank.
EP = European Parliament.
EPO = European Patent Organisation.
EPRDF = Ethopian People Revolutionary Development Front.
ESA = European Space Agency.
ESCAP = Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
ESRO = European Space Research Organisation.
EU = European Union.
FAOUN = Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
FAO = Food and Agricultural Organization.
FAPE = Fund for Association to Private Education.
FBA = Fellow of British Academy.
FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FCBS = Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
FHI = Family Health International.
FIFA = Federation Internationale de Football Association.
FM = Frequency Modulation.
FRC = Fatah Revolutionary Council.
FRCS = Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
FRS = Fellow of the Royal Society.
GA = General Assembly.
GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
GB = Great Britain.
GCC = Gulf Cooperation Council.
GMT = Greenwich Mean Time.
GNLF = Gurkha National Liberation Front.
GPO = General Post Office.
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service.
GSM = Global System for Mobile Communications.
3GPP = 3rd Generation Partnership Project.