Assuredly Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Assuredly, Sentence example of Assuredly
অর্থঃ নিশ্চয়; অবশ্য;
Synonyms of Assuredly
all right, alright, certainly, clearly, definitely, doubtless, easily, forsooth, hands down, inarguably, incontestably, incontrovertibly, indeed, indisputably, plainly, really, so, sure, surely, truly, unarguably, undeniably, undoubtedly, unquestionably
Use of Assuredly in a Sentence
- The merger will almost assuredly lead to job layoffs.
- I am most assuredly the person you are looking for.
First use of Assuredly
The first known use of assuredly was in the 14th century