Assent Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Assent, Sentence example of Assent
অর্থঃ একত্র করা
Synonyms of Assent
accede, acquiesce, agree, come round, consent, subscribe
Use of Assent in a Sentence
- assent to a proposal
- She gave her assent to the proposal.
- voters assented to the proposal
- consented to their daughter’s going
- officials acceded to the prisoners’ demands
- acquiesced to his boss’s wishes
- finally agreed to come along
- subscribes wholeheartedly to the idea
- The general proposed a detailed plan and the President assented.
- are we to conclude from your silence that you assent?
- their mutual assent to the terms of the contract
First use of Assent
The first known use of assent was in the 13th century
Nearby Words
Also See Assent in
এই রকম আরও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে লাইক দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকুন। এর পাশাপাশি গুগল নিউজে আমাদের ফলো করুন।