Appraiser Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Appraiser, Sentence example of Appraiser
অর্থঃ মূল্যনির্ণায়ক; মূল্যনির্ধারক;
Synonyms of Appraiser
assess, estimate, evaluate, guesstimate, rate, set, valuate, value
Use of Appraiser in a Sentence
- appraise the damage
- appraise an actor’s career
- estimated the crowd at two hundred
- having their house appraised
- evaluate a student’s work
- a watercolor valued by the donor at $500
- a highly rated restaurant
- officials are trying to assess the damage
- The ring must be appraised by a jeweler before it can be insured.
- appraise the house and property
- What is the property’s appraised value?
- In the book, he appraises Hollywood’s recent films and contrasts them with several independent films.
First use of Appraiser
The first known use of appraise was in the 15th century