Apathetic Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Apathetic, Sentence example of Apathetic
অর্থঃ উদাসীন; অনাগ্রহী; বিমুখ;
Synonyms of Apathetic
casual, complacent, disinterested, incurious, indifferent, insensible, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, pococurante, unconcerned, uncurious, uninterested
Use of Apathetic in a Sentence
- apathetic voters
- met the news with an impassive look
- was resolutely stoic even in adversity
- a phlegmatic man unmoved by tears
- charitable appeals met an apathetic response
- stolid workers wedded to routine
- Young people are becoming increasingly apathetic.
- the apathetic attitude of the public
- Surprisingly, most Americans are apathetic toward this important issue.
First use of Apathetic
The first known use of apathetic was in 1692
Nearby Words
Also See Apathetic in
এই রকম আরও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে লাইক দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকুন। এর পাশাপাশি গুগল নিউজে আমাদের ফলো করুন।