Annunciate Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Annunciate, Sentence example of Annunciate
অর্থঃ ঘোষণা বা জ্ঞাপন করা; প্রস্তুতি বা আসন্নতা ঘোষণা করা; ঘোষণা করা;
Synonyms of Annunciate
advertise, announce, blare, blaze, blazon, broadcast, declare, enunciate, flash, give out, herald, placard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, release, sound, trumpet
Use of Annunciate in a Sentence
- a politician is wise to annunciate past minor transgressions before the media make something major of them
First use of Annunciate
The first known use of annunciate was circa 1536