Amanuensis Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Amanuensis, Sentence example of Amanuensis
অর্থঃ শ্রুতিলিপিকর, শ্রুতি লেখক
Synonyms of Amanuensis
calligrapher, copyist, penman, scribe, scrivener
Use of Amanuensis in a Sentence
- composed her autobiography with the help of an amanuensis
- thanks to the efforts of his dutiful amanuensis, copies of most of the author’s letters and unpublished manuscripts have been preserved
First use of Amanuensis
The first known use of amanuensis was in 1619
Nearby Words
Also See Amanuensis in
এই রকম আরও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে লাইক দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকুন। এর পাশাপাশি গুগল নিউজে আমাদের ফলো করুন।