
“English” Class Six 11th week Assignment Answer

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"English" Class Six 11th week Assignment Answer
Class Six English Assignment

Class Six “English” 11th-week assignment answer.

সম্পর্কিত টপিক

Assignment: 4
Lesson: 6 
Unit Title: It smells good!

নির্ধারিত কাজঃ

"English" Class Six 11th week Assignment Answer

নমুনা উত্তরঃ

Fahmida loves eating. Both of her parents are good cooks but she is very fond of her father’s cooking. Mr. Rahman tries different new items. It was a weekend and it was raining heavily outside. Mr. Rahman declared, “Hey guys, I’m going to cook for you today”. Fahmida along with her brothers and sisters cheered- Yeeh! Mrs. Rahman said, what do you like to eat on a rainy day? We said,  Khichuri!! Dad said, ok guys I will cook khichuri for you today. Dad got ready to cook. We all helped Dad. We are all waiting to eat khichuri. We are all waiting for when the cooking will end. Suddenly Dad said, “Hey guys, khichuri is ready. Go and wash your hands first”. Then we all sat down to eat. Ummmm! It tastes so delicious. We all ate with satisfaction. 

সম্পর্কিত টপিক

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