Aspect Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Aspect, Sentence example of Aspect
অর্থঃ বিভিন্ন দিক;মুখের ভাব; চেহারার অভিব্যক্তি; মুখাবয়ব:দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি; দৃষ্টিকোণ;চেহারা; রূপ; আকৃতি;যেদিকে কোনো জিনিস মুখ করে থাকে; অভিমুখ;ক্রিয়ার রূপবিশেষ;
Synonyms of Aspect
angle, facet, hand, phase, side
Use of Aspect in a Sentence
- They studied every aspect of the question.
- the threatening aspect of the dark sky
- a house with a southern aspect
- depending on what aspect of college life you consider most important, there are several colleges which might be good for you
- he has the aspect of a man used to giving orders and seeing them obeyed
- studied every aspect of the question
First use of Aspect
The first known use of aspect was in the 14th century