As Bengali meaning, Synonyms of As, Sentence example of As
অর্থঃ মতো/ সদৃশ (কোনো কিছু বা কারো মতো)হিসেবে (কোন কাজের ক্ষেত্রে)মতো;যখন;যেমন;যথা;যেহেতু;হিসাবে; রূপে;যদিও;অনুরূপভাবে; সমভাবে;যে; যাহা;একইরকম (তুলনামূলকভাবে);প্রকৃত ঘটনা;
Synonyms of As
so long as, when, while, whilst [chiefly British]
Use of As in a Sentence
- as soft as silk
- various trees, as oak or pine
- my opinion as distinguished from his
- soft as silk
- as cool as a cucumber
- Do as I do.
- quite good as boys go
- spilled the milk as she got up
- Improbable as it seems, it’s true.
- stayed home as she had no car
- so clearly guilty as to leave no doubt
- bought the clock at an auction as is
- His retirement was, as it were, the beginning of his real career.
- in the same building as my brother
- is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent
- They all rose as one man.
- works as an editor
- He was angry, but she was just as angry.
- The letter “k” is sometimes silent, as it is in “knee.”
- She spilled the milk just as she was getting up.
- I met him as I was leaving.
- as cold as ice
- various trees, as oak or pine
- mad as a hornet
- do as I say
- sang as they marched along
- improbable as it seems, it’s true
- stayed home, as I had no car
- so clearly guilty as to leave no doubt
- bought the clock at an auction as is
- had the same name as my cousin
- they are smart, as you know
- came dressed as a clown
- working as an editor
First use of As
The first known use of as was in the 12th century