
Argentine – Meaning in Bengali | Synonyms | English to Bengali Dictionary

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Argentine Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Argentine, Sentence example of Argentine

উচ্চারণঃ [-ˌtēn,ˈärjənˌtīn]
অর্থঃ রূপালি; রৌপ্যনির্মিত;

Synonyms of Argentine

gray (also grey), grayish, leaden, pewter, silver, silvery, slate, slaty (also slatey), steely

সম্পর্কিত টপিক

Use of Argentine in a Sentence

  • an argentine sky hinted at a coming storm

First use of Argentine

The first known use of argentine was in the 15th century

Nearby Words

সম্পর্কিত টপিক

মন্তব্য করুন

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