Apposition Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Apposition, Sentence example of Apposition
অর্থঃ স্থাপন; ছাপ দেত্তয়া; তুল্যভাবে পাশাপাশি স্থাপন; প্রয়োগ; পার্শ্বসংস্থাপন; পাশাপাশি রাখা; যথোপযুক্তভাবে স্থাপন;
Synonyms of Apposition
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Use of Apposition in a Sentence
- In “my friend the doctor,” the word “doctor” is in apposition to “my friend.”
- in “my friend the doctor,” the word “doctor” is in apposition with “friend”
First use of Apposition
The first known use of apposition was in the 15th century