Antiquated Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Antiquated, Sentence example of Antiquated
অর্থঃ অপ্রচলিত
Synonyms of Antiquated
archaic, dated, démodé, demoded, fossilized, kaput (also kaputt), medieval (also mediaeval), moribund, mossy, moth-eaten, neolithic, Noachian, obsolete, out-of-date, outdated, outmoded, outworn, passé, prehistoric (also prehistorical), rusty, Stone Age, superannuated
Use of Antiquated in a Sentence
- antiquated ideas
- an antiquated calendar
- old houses
- an old sweater of mine
- ancient accounts of dragons
- the family’s venerable patriarch
- collected antique Chippendale furniture
- antiquated teaching methods
- the play used archaic language to convey a sense of period
- a computer that makes earlier models obsolete
- He has some pretty antiquated opinions about politics.
- saw an antiquated hand-cranked rope-making machine at the textiles museum
- antiquated methods of farming
First use of Antiquated
The first known use of antiquated was in 1587
Nearby Words
Also See Antiquated in
এই রকম আরও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে লাইক দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকুন। এর পাশাপাশি গুগল নিউজে আমাদের ফলো করুন।