
Amalgamate – Meaning in Bengali | Synonyms | English to Bengali Dictionary

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Amalgamate Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Amalgamate, Sentence example of Amalgamate

অর্থঃ মিশ্রিত করা, যুক্ত হওয়া

Synonyms of Amalgamate

blend, combine, comingle, commingle, commix, composite, concrete, conflate, fuse, homogenize, immingle, immix, incorporate, integrate, interfuse, intermingle, intermix, meld, merge, mingle, mix

সম্পর্কিত টপিক

Use of Amalgamate in a Sentence

  • an amalgam of musical forms
  • a church that is an amalgam of traditional and modern architectural styles
  • They amalgamated the hospital with the university.
  • mix the salad greens
  • mix a drink
  • fear mingled with anticipation in my mind
  • a sense of duty commingled with a fierce pride drove her
  • blended several teas to create a balanced flavor
  • in his mind reality and fantasy merged
  • telling details that coalesce into a striking portrait
  • refugees who were readily amalgamated into the community
  • a building in which modernism and classicism are fused
  • amalgamating different styles of music
  • They amalgamated the hospital and the university.

First use of Amalgamate

The first known use of amalgamate was in 1576

Nearby Words

সম্পর্কিত টপিক

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