
Food Problem in Bangladesh || Essay || Composition

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Food Problem in Bangladesh || Essay || Composition
Food Problem in Bangladesh || Essay || Composition


Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Most of the people of the country live by cultivation. Moreover, it is a densely populated country. More than fifteen crore people live in this small country having a total land area of 55,598 square miles. So, growing more food is important both for the well-being of the farmers and for feeding the huge population of the country.

Causes of Food Shortage

Bangladesh is a fertile country. Most of the areas of this country are cultivable. In spite of that, there is a food shortage in this country, There are some reasons behind the food shortage. First of all, due to a big population, a big portion of the land of the country has been used up for building houses offices, factories, schools, colleges, universities, markets and so on. Every year a huge area of farmland is used up for this purpose and as a result, decreasing the land area for cultivation. Secondly, most of the farmers in this country are still illiterate. They do not know the scientific method of cultivation. They use the primitive method of cultivation. Thirdly, the continuous division of cultivable land by inheritance law decrease production. Lastly, floods and other natural calamities (প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ) often damage (ক্ষতি করে) our crops and cause food shortage.

How to Improve Production of Food

In order to increase food production some steps may be taken. First of all, scientific methods of cultivation should be used instead of traditional cultivation methods. To this end, special awareness (সচেতনতা) programs and agricultural information centers for the farmers should be initiated. Subdivision of land should be stopped. Measures (পদক্ষেপ) should also be taken against using up cultivable land for non-agricultural use. Enough flood protection measures should also be taken.


If we can grow more food, our country will be self-sufficient in food. Then the growth of our economy will accelerate. We are glad to note that the government has come forward to improve agricultural production with different incentives (প্রণােদনা) and affirmative (ইতিবাচক) measures such as counseling (পরামর্শ) and advocacy (সচেতনতা সৃষ্টি) programs, subsidy in fertilizer, agricultural loan, construction of dams and embankments, digging canal etc. Steps should also be taken at the private level to increase food production


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