Bastard English to Bangla meaning
Looking for Bastard English to Bangla meaning? Synonyms of Bastard, Sentence example of Bastard, English to Bangla dictionary
অর্থঃ জারজ সন্তান
অর্থঃ জারজ সন্তান
Synonyms of Bastard
by-blow, love child, whoreson
Use of Bastard in a Sentence
- known for coining bastard words
- bastard marble
- Congratulations on getting the job, you lucky bastard!
- His wife left him, the poor bastard.
- Life can be a real bastard sometimes.
- Alexander Hamilton appears to have been bothered by the fact that he was a bastard child.
- a bastard knockoff of a far superior thriller
First use of Bastard
The first known use of bastard was in the 14th century