
Bantam – Meaning in Bengali | Synonyms | English to Bengali Dictionary

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Bantam Bengali meaning, Synonyms of Bantam, Sentence example of Bantam

অর্থঃ এক ধরনের গৃহ পালিত মোরগ

Synonyms of Bantam

diminutive, dinky, dwarfish, fine, half-pint, Lilliputian, little, pint-size (or pint-sized), pocket, pocket-size (also pocket-sized), puny, pygmy, shrimpy, slight, small, smallish, subnormal, toylike, undersized (also undersize)

Use of Bantam in a Sentence

  • a bantam comedian who is known to fellow performers for his oversize ego

First use of Bantam

The first known use of bantam was in 1740

Nearby Words


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