
Blackout Bengali Meaning | Dictionary English to Bangla

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Blackout English to Bangla meaning

Looking for Blackout English to Bangla meaning? Synonyms of Blackout, Sentence example of Blackout, English to Bengali Dictionary. Bengali translation of Blackout.


অর্থঃ নিষ্প্রদীপন; একটি সময়কাল যখন বিদ্যুতের বিপর্যয়ের কারণে কোন আলো থাকে না;অল্প সময়কাল যখন কেউ অজ্ঞান বা অচেতন থাকে;একটি সময়কাল যখন কোনো পরিষেবা, পণ্য সরবারহ ইত্যাদি বন্ধ থাকে (ব্যবসা)

Synonyms of Blackout

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Use of Blackout in a Sentence

  • blackout dates
  • the blackouts of World War II
  • She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.
  • He told his doctor he had been experiencing blackouts.
  • had spent most of her adulthood trying to black out memories of a wretched childhood
  • with the delivery of the knockout punch, the screen blacks out, and in the next scene the boxer wakes up in the hospital

First use of Blackout

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Also See Blackout in

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