
Town Life Vs Village Life: Essay/Composition

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Town Life Vs Village Life: Essay/Composition

Town Life Vs Village Life


It is a matter (বিষয়) of debate (বিতর্ক) whether villages or towns are better as a place for living because some people prefer (অধিকতর পছন্দ করে ) towns for living and some others like villages. Such preference (পছন্দ) largely (প্রধানত) depends on one’s background (অতীত), lifestyle (জীবনধারা), education and employment (চাকুরী)

Advantages of Village Life

Those who prefer village life have some specific (সুনির্দিষ্ট) reasons (কারণ). Firstly, the density (ঘনত্ব) of the population is low in villages. Hence, villages are usually calm (শান্ত) and serene (নীর). Those who love quiet (নীরবতা) must love villages, Secondly, the village air is fresh and less polluted than that of towns because fewer vehicles (যানবাহন) ply (চলাচল করে) in the village roads and there are fewer factories in rural areas. Thirdly, most of the agricultural products are produced in the villages. As a result, fresh fruits and vegetables are available in villages. Fourthly, rural areas are more scenic than the towns. The village greenery (সবুজ গাছপালা) and natural beauty are always enjoyable (উপভােগ্য). At last, living in villages is less costly than living in towns. 

Advantages of Town Life

On the other hand, many people prefer towns to villages. The reasons are better job facilities, entertainment, cultural life, communication, security, education, transport and utilities. The government of every country spends proportionately more money for the towns than the villages. Besides, the leaders and decision-makers of a country live in towns. Such factors result in better communication, transport, utilities, education and security. Moreover, most of the government institutions, big industries and offices are situated in towns. Those organizations employ the major portion of the employees of a certain country. 


I personally believe, having considered all the above factors, that the serene lifestyle of villages is more important than all other things. Living in villages can make a man happy. People are almost forced to live in towns because of jobs and other facilities. That is why most of the elderly people, after their retirement, go to villages for living.


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