
“Good Health” Paragraph

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 Write a paragraph about “Good Health”

Good Health

Good health normally indicates the physical fitness of a person but it is more than this. Good health indicates mental soundness as well. There is one wise saying I thoroughly believe in. The saying is ‘Health is wealth’. A healthy person is always happy. 
Good Health Paragraph
Good Health Paragraph

A sound mind lies in a sound body. I do follow the rules of health in order to keep myself healthy. One can hardly keep fit without following the rules of health. To keep our health sound and fit, we have to follow certain rules like walking, taking a balanced diet, early rising, sound sleep etc. And one of them is to have a balanced diet. By balanced diet, I mean the foods that provide us with enough energy and build up our body. They are of six kinds e.g. (i) carbohydrates, (ii) proteins, (iii) minerals, (iv) fats, (v) oils and (vi) vitamins. I always try to have a balanced diet as it is necessary to keep fit. In absence of any of these elements, we cannot keep good health. There are fewer curses in the world than ill health. An unhealthy person is a burden not only to others but also to himself. A poor healthy man is happier than a rich unhealthy man.


This is RIMON Proud owner of this blog. An employee by profession but proud to introduce myself as a blogger. I like to write on the blog. Moreover, I've a lot of interest in web design. I want to see myself as a successful blogger and SEO expert.

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